Small Kid's graffiti, cool huh? Lime ghost, midnight ghost... All kinds of coloured ghost. Is this kid obsessed with ghost or just being weird small kid. Ghost ghost ghost... everywhere ghost...

In the future, the animals will get more smart. "Catch me if you can!" Huhuhu...! Come and get my stripy butt,....!

Good "Dies"..("Days" in British accent) These are Some Guys or Gays in britain, they just having fun to be half naked in public, showing off their belly buttons. They trying to be popular as the American boy band "Backstreet boys" or "N'sync".. Sicked people..!

"You better wake up!
The world we live in is just a suger cocted
topping. There is another
world beneath it and if you
want to stay alife you better
learn to pull the trigger"
"Some motherfuckers
are always trying to
Ice-skate uphill"
Fierce is the spirit of her Waters
She creates us binds us- Flows in us
The fool who dare enslave her
She takes his life away

Road sign or Stop sign for stupid drivers.. New latest sign board for morrons. For more information please go to "www.pakingidiots.blogspot.com". You know who you are.
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