There's someone sleeping under the table. Wuhoo.. Now nowhere to run. Hahaha.. This is just a prank., actually my friend was trying to plug something into the PC. Can't get the PC out. Lets play PEEK-A-BOO..

BOoooo...!! Hahaha.. There you are.. I barely see his face. You're silhouetting to the darkness. Hahaha.. Hey, just stay down there..K

Cool weather.. I mean COOL weather... I was really wet after all. My mom ask me to bring along an umbrella, but i didn't want to for the first time I went out. I was late for 30 mins to school. Nah.. Its ok then..

Here's something that i dont know, really.. My teacher said that shuttle cock was formerly called as "BIRD", i dont know why. But its too weird to call "BIRD". Called as "BIRD" because it was a real bird before it became into UN-real bird..! Get this picture right: "WOW so many birds sia"

This is the coolest answer ever seen or written before. "CAN".. Can what? "NO"... No what? Haha. At least the answer was written down.. Hahaha.

Guess what... I bought this soccer boots for just $50 bucks. Cool uh.. Its has not worn before and its still brand new, but its an old version of Adidas predator. Boght it from someone on eBay. So check out on eBay for cool stuff..
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