Square 2 of fraction 2 equals to hmmmm...

Hate this simlutaneous method or wadeva it is..

That's true man.

Osciloscope i guess.. Expand and heart rate explodes then hangman..

You need to read to understand it.

( Qnt 1.) How do you verify the mutants?
(ANS) Use the radioactive Ooze.

Nice answer, Brain IQ too high already until it expands.

I donoe wat's the sideways of 8 stands for...

No offence to NTU. Damn too stress is it until you guys cant even spell the simple word "tomorrow", or rationally thought its a typing error.


Nice drawing anyway. This student is too bored doing the exams.

Hahaha.. Bruce Wayne. What the hell. Who cares how batman suit's measurement and how the guy knows Bruce Wayne's body measurements.
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