13 years ago
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Hu-Ha-Hu-Ha.. Training to be a Soldier, fight for our land..!! Didn't know that construction workers have punishment, doing push-up in the rain. Bontot jag ar beb..! I've just realise that this guy doing push up in front of the Century Square entrance. haha.

Ape case ni.. Police Car also can accident.

This is "PUBLIC" toilet. Totally free of charge. You finished BERAK already, then you picked up your faeces then throw inside that green bin. :)
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
"Siti Aisyah"
A few decades ago, there was a lady name "Siti Aisyah" lived in one village. So one day, she got married to a rich man. So they start a family. When Siti Aisyah went out of the house, many people don't like about her. Maybe because she's too pretty or she married a rich man. The village people cursed and looked down on her. One day, she got pregnant, in few months time, she's going to deliver her baby, many villagers crowded outside her mansion, cursing her and the baby. But when she almost delivering the baby, she died and the baby died too. The villagers shocked but they are happy. After the death of 'Siti Aisyah', her soul did not rest in peace. The villagers know something was wrong and bad thing will happen. On the thursday night, one of the villager heard someone laughing in a scary way. The villager was frighten till death. Then now all the villagers know,for those who cursed "Siti Aisyah" will not live in peace.
Now, and I mean now, If u call "Siti Aisyah" 3 times. She will come to you. If you willing to do, when you're alone. Its up to you to believe or not.
A few decades ago, there was a lady name "Siti Aisyah" lived in one village. So one day, she got married to a rich man. So they start a family. When Siti Aisyah went out of the house, many people don't like about her. Maybe because she's too pretty or she married a rich man. The village people cursed and looked down on her. One day, she got pregnant, in few months time, she's going to deliver her baby, many villagers crowded outside her mansion, cursing her and the baby. But when she almost delivering the baby, she died and the baby died too. The villagers shocked but they are happy. After the death of 'Siti Aisyah', her soul did not rest in peace. The villagers know something was wrong and bad thing will happen. On the thursday night, one of the villager heard someone laughing in a scary way. The villager was frighten till death. Then now all the villagers know,for those who cursed "Siti Aisyah" will not live in peace.
Now, and I mean now, If u call "Siti Aisyah" 3 times. She will come to you. If you willing to do, when you're alone. Its up to you to believe or not.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I didn't know that MRT's computer systems were also run on Windows OS."However if it crashes regularly, maybe they should consider switching to Apple's Mac systems already."

What The Hell. Underpass and Overpass, also need to FINED. Might as well dont even make down or up slopes. Is the sign board just wanted to make you scared. And who the hell wants to stand there summon people?
This is a real story spread among Singapore taxi drivers.It was about 7.30 pm in Chinese New Year’s eve. Taxi driver Ah Tan, a60-year-old man, lived in Bedok Reservoir Rd, was rushing back home tocelebrate the family dinner.
He happened to pass by a remote path somewhere near Punggol. That usedto be a farm village but has been deserted for a few years. There werealtogether four bus-stops along the roadside.
While he was driving along the path, he saw a young lady at the bus-stopflagging for his taxi. At first, he wanted to take the lady but he wasgoing to be late for his dinner. Being a person particular for punctuality,he decided not to take this customer. Then he carried on driving. To
his surprise, there was another lady flagging him down. This time hefelt familiar because she was wearing a red T-shirt and black skirt butdue to fading light, he could not see her face.
When he passed by the third bus-stop, he felt a bit of horror as anotherlady was flagging him again, in the same red and black clothes! Howwould a lady moves faster than the wheels? The distance between twostops is about 0.8 KM away! This time, he really felt horrible and steppedthe accelerator harder.When passing the fourth one, a lady charged at his car!
He was driving at least at the speed of 100 KM/H! The lady flew over hisvehicle and dropped inside a drain next to the bus-stop. Ah Tan cried outdue to extremely horror! The victim once again in red and black clothes.Ah Tan felt so bad and had no mood celebrating New Year.
Finally, he decided to report to the police. The body in red andblack skirt was found, it was a young Chinese lady aged between 20 to25 year old. Ah Tan’s horror got attested. The lady’s cause of deathis not by car accident but stabbed by sharp object! She had been deadfor about three days, the body already started to decay.
After the police statement, Ah Tan thought of the whole things had been over.Of course the police snickered at his initial statement and made him doanother ‘credible’ one.
One week later, Ah Tan’s horrible feeling had lessen. What a coincidence,he striked first prize 4-D for his taxi number plate. He won a big sumof money, he was so delighted in this, but unfortunately he fell downin the bath room and fractured his right arm. He was admitted to Changi hospital.
In the hospital, he started to have nightmare night after night. A young lady,in red and black skirt, kept calling him “Ah Peh, li di si lo lai?”(Uncle, whenare you coming down?). He really cannot tolerate to it anymore.
Moreover, the inflammation started on his wound. Luckily, one of hisfriend who is a Taoist priest suggested to give up his stake’s moneyinstead of plead for ’safety’. He told Ah Tan that the lady ghost isgnawed by serious grievances and has become a ferocious spirit.
Since she could not avenge the murderer due to some reasons, Ah Tanchosen to be the ’scapegoat’ for her rebirth’. The 4D winning stakeis to exchange for his life!
After a battle of mind, the lady still disturbed him in the meanwhile,with a shattered nerves he decided to give up his $100,000 to TheCharity Community Chest. Strange enough, he recovered from the illnessrapidly.
Everything seemed to be over, but a short period after his discharged,his wife striked 4-D again, the stake amount is also $100,000! This isbecause, one day, his wife went market and bought some vegetable, shesaw the wrapper was the used newspaper which reported the young lady’smurder case. Strangely, there was four numbers on it, and his wifebet on and striked. After a fierce argument between them, Ah Tan failedto convince his wife to donate the money. A deep worry began to burdenAh Tan when his wife started puzzle head and like to put on red T-shirtand black skirt. She seemed to go mad and the temper got hotter and hotter.
One morning, she suddenly told Ah Tan that the life is meaningless’.This time Ah Tan was decisive, he gave up all the money immediately. Hebrought his wife to the temple and asked the monks to release the young lady’ssouls from purgatory.
After this incident, he stop buying 4-D or involves in all kinds of gambling.Not long ago, he’d also gave up his taxi-license.
He happened to pass by a remote path somewhere near Punggol. That usedto be a farm village but has been deserted for a few years. There werealtogether four bus-stops along the roadside.
While he was driving along the path, he saw a young lady at the bus-stopflagging for his taxi. At first, he wanted to take the lady but he wasgoing to be late for his dinner. Being a person particular for punctuality,he decided not to take this customer. Then he carried on driving. To
his surprise, there was another lady flagging him down. This time hefelt familiar because she was wearing a red T-shirt and black skirt butdue to fading light, he could not see her face.
When he passed by the third bus-stop, he felt a bit of horror as anotherlady was flagging him again, in the same red and black clothes! Howwould a lady moves faster than the wheels? The distance between twostops is about 0.8 KM away! This time, he really felt horrible and steppedthe accelerator harder.When passing the fourth one, a lady charged at his car!
He was driving at least at the speed of 100 KM/H! The lady flew over hisvehicle and dropped inside a drain next to the bus-stop. Ah Tan cried outdue to extremely horror! The victim once again in red and black clothes.Ah Tan felt so bad and had no mood celebrating New Year.
Finally, he decided to report to the police. The body in red andblack skirt was found, it was a young Chinese lady aged between 20 to25 year old. Ah Tan’s horror got attested. The lady’s cause of deathis not by car accident but stabbed by sharp object! She had been deadfor about three days, the body already started to decay.
After the police statement, Ah Tan thought of the whole things had been over.Of course the police snickered at his initial statement and made him doanother ‘credible’ one.
One week later, Ah Tan’s horrible feeling had lessen. What a coincidence,he striked first prize 4-D for his taxi number plate. He won a big sumof money, he was so delighted in this, but unfortunately he fell downin the bath room and fractured his right arm. He was admitted to Changi hospital.
In the hospital, he started to have nightmare night after night. A young lady,in red and black skirt, kept calling him “Ah Peh, li di si lo lai?”(Uncle, whenare you coming down?). He really cannot tolerate to it anymore.
Moreover, the inflammation started on his wound. Luckily, one of hisfriend who is a Taoist priest suggested to give up his stake’s moneyinstead of plead for ’safety’. He told Ah Tan that the lady ghost isgnawed by serious grievances and has become a ferocious spirit.
Since she could not avenge the murderer due to some reasons, Ah Tanchosen to be the ’scapegoat’ for her rebirth’. The 4D winning stakeis to exchange for his life!
After a battle of mind, the lady still disturbed him in the meanwhile,with a shattered nerves he decided to give up his $100,000 to TheCharity Community Chest. Strange enough, he recovered from the illnessrapidly.
Everything seemed to be over, but a short period after his discharged,his wife striked 4-D again, the stake amount is also $100,000! This isbecause, one day, his wife went market and bought some vegetable, shesaw the wrapper was the used newspaper which reported the young lady’smurder case. Strangely, there was four numbers on it, and his wifebet on and striked. After a fierce argument between them, Ah Tan failedto convince his wife to donate the money. A deep worry began to burdenAh Tan when his wife started puzzle head and like to put on red T-shirtand black skirt. She seemed to go mad and the temper got hotter and hotter.
One morning, she suddenly told Ah Tan that the life is meaningless’.This time Ah Tan was decisive, he gave up all the money immediately. Hebrought his wife to the temple and asked the monks to release the young lady’ssouls from purgatory.
After this incident, he stop buying 4-D or involves in all kinds of gambling.Not long ago, he’d also gave up his taxi-license.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007

A guy was very amused by the sight of this construction worker donning his own invention - what looks to be an expansion of the usual construction helmet into a full blown hat.
He saw this while he was at Beach Road.
(2 April):
"This image was taken along beach road. Near to the shaw cinema.
These chinese nationals construction workers are pretty innovative!
Transforming their headgear to a fabulous shade!"

Booty-licious? Jackpot Machine? Ting ting ting Jackpot..!!! Win $0.01 only.

"PAP 1" Whose car is that? PAP's?

Hahaha.. Does this man like to live on the edge? LOL. 'Someone took this picture at about 0545 this morning (24 March) at the junction of Bencoolen street and Bras Basah road.The man was taking a "joyride", hanging on to the back of the van.The van turned towards Cathay and Peace Centre, and the guy was swinging, hanging on for dear life.'
Bouncing MarblesI am a Singaporean. We live in flats. If you've never lived in flats (apartments), well let me tell you, it's quite noisy at times. Having neighbours all over the place. On top of you, below you and both sides of you. Ok, that is nothing peculiar but what I'm about to tell you is.
In the early mornings, around 2 or 3 am, I hear bouncing marbles above my apartment. That, to me, is strange. Which parents would allow their kids to play marbles at that hour? What is stranger is I'm not the only one who had experienced this. My friends have reported to hear the bouncing marbles too. So, what is this then? Is there some other explanation? I'm still perplexed.
In the early mornings, around 2 or 3 am, I hear bouncing marbles above my apartment. That, to me, is strange. Which parents would allow their kids to play marbles at that hour? What is stranger is I'm not the only one who had experienced this. My friends have reported to hear the bouncing marbles too. So, what is this then? Is there some other explanation? I'm still perplexed.
Monday, April 02, 2007
Lost Soul at the Bus Stop There is a bus stop at Mount Vernon that I'm told is haunted. For non-Singapore residents, Mount Vernon is a road between two cemeteries. A Christian one, on one side, and a Muslim one, on the other.
Why I say it's haunted? Well, I've been in many taxis and when the drivers are talkative, they most likely will tell you this story when you ask them about ghostly encounters. They say, if you travel through mount Vernon Road between midnight and 4am - if you are lucky - you will see a beautiful young Malay mother with a baby in her arms.
One time, there was an ignorant taxi driver who happened to pick her up. She boarded the taxi and just pointed ahead without saying a word. So, the driver drove on ahead. After some minutes, he asked her where she wanted to go, but she just smiled and instructed him, with a hand gesture, to go straight ahead. Mount Vernon is a long stretched road and as the taxi approached the end of it, at the junction, he asked her, again, where exactly she wanted to go. She simply replied, "balik rumah"(going home). He was a little annoyed by her ambiguous reply and made his impatience felt with his next remark. He complaint. "Ya lah, lu mau balik rumah, mana lu punya rumah lu misti cakap lah, aiyah susah lah ini macam".(Yes, I know you want to go home but where the heck is your home? Gosh, you’re giving me a hard time!).
She was hurt and started sobbing. Feeling guilty, he apologised then asked her again, nicely that time, what her address was. She then asked to be taken back to the place she boarded his taxi.
The irate driver was furious and made an angry, sharp, U-turn and headed the other way back to the spot he picked her up from.
Busy nagging, he failed to realise that she was no longer seated in the back seat. When he did look in the mirror, he was horrified by her non-presence. Then, he smelt a sweet smelling scent of frangipani flower. (This flower is associated with death.) He was chilled to the bones with fear and sped off out of Mount Vernon Road all the way home. He never traveled along Mount Vernon Road after midnight anymore since the experience.
Other taxi drivers have also picked up the mother with a child but had different experiences with her. Some would realise immediately after she came aboard that she was a ghost, some would not even notice anything strange until they smelt a sweet scent – then on, a cool head is very necessary.
Why I say it's haunted? Well, I've been in many taxis and when the drivers are talkative, they most likely will tell you this story when you ask them about ghostly encounters. They say, if you travel through mount Vernon Road between midnight and 4am - if you are lucky - you will see a beautiful young Malay mother with a baby in her arms.
One time, there was an ignorant taxi driver who happened to pick her up. She boarded the taxi and just pointed ahead without saying a word. So, the driver drove on ahead. After some minutes, he asked her where she wanted to go, but she just smiled and instructed him, with a hand gesture, to go straight ahead. Mount Vernon is a long stretched road and as the taxi approached the end of it, at the junction, he asked her, again, where exactly she wanted to go. She simply replied, "balik rumah"(going home). He was a little annoyed by her ambiguous reply and made his impatience felt with his next remark. He complaint. "Ya lah, lu mau balik rumah, mana lu punya rumah lu misti cakap lah, aiyah susah lah ini macam".(Yes, I know you want to go home but where the heck is your home? Gosh, you’re giving me a hard time!).
She was hurt and started sobbing. Feeling guilty, he apologised then asked her again, nicely that time, what her address was. She then asked to be taken back to the place she boarded his taxi.
The irate driver was furious and made an angry, sharp, U-turn and headed the other way back to the spot he picked her up from.
Busy nagging, he failed to realise that she was no longer seated in the back seat. When he did look in the mirror, he was horrified by her non-presence. Then, he smelt a sweet smelling scent of frangipani flower. (This flower is associated with death.) He was chilled to the bones with fear and sped off out of Mount Vernon Road all the way home. He never traveled along Mount Vernon Road after midnight anymore since the experience.
Other taxi drivers have also picked up the mother with a child but had different experiences with her. Some would realise immediately after she came aboard that she was a ghost, some would not even notice anything strange until they smelt a sweet scent – then on, a cool head is very necessary.

Patrick Starfish In the Army. "Errmm.. Sir yes Sir..! Guess Patrick is a Singaporean though.. Join NS..
'I've done everything except LOSING!'. Means what? He wanna lose? OR He wants every car to race with him and make him the last car, lost in the last place, AND then he will say "I've done EVERYTHING" Including crash into the "longkang".

Life's bored jumping around trees and picked up nuts. Enjoy life.
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