The Future Army. Cool, full armour suit. One man, One country. Hmm. How do they run with that suit on them? Then who is Darth Vader, Obi Wan, Anakin or even Yoda?

No parkings for bicycles. Maybe they had the wrong idea. "No parking." THEN "For Bicycles." They don't care the word "of" Or maybe some morron thought, bikes or bicycles don't park, but they are locked.

Robowars..! Yea..! Just imagine the bus driver suddenly pops up, thinking of robowars. A show about a robot vs robot. War war war.. Boom..! Accident happen everywhere. Overturn cars knocked by the buses and lorries. Hahaha.. All bus driver are like Black beret Armoury Soldiers. Hahaha.

Cheap cheap..! 1 for $500, only goes on railtracks, no need tyres, no need to steer. Easy. Crap shit. Don't know who's the idiot bought this bike or stolen from someone or even no money to buy tyres. Scrap off..

This parking lot is actually for Mr.Bean's rival dude, the person who drives the blue van with one front wheel. So it should be call Motorcyclecar.? Hmm.
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