Welcome to Hollaback crew competition..! Today at 4pm at National Indoor Stadium. Nice designed logo. Sponsored by motorola, and 98.7FM..

We've seated in wrong place just now and we had to move a lot of places like semut(ants) And at last we seat on the second class place. We chinchai2 we happily happy2. One of the person ask us to support his team, and we did support in silence. Hahahaha.. Sorry ar, just joking...

My school, ITE also performed.. MISTIQUE.. It's quite fun actually and full of surprises and there's a lot of creativity from all team.

The Click Five performed after all damce crew perform. Damn,, it was so loud and fun.. Everybody shout Oooohh.. Arrrr..Ouuhhhh.... Everywhere man...! Ronin our local band also perform and people do enjoy and support local music..

After the results was post out. My former teacher's school won 1st place in under-17 catergory, which means that they won $10,000. Whooo.. What a lot of money man...! He enjoyed like some ehemm ehemmm... hehehehe...
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