Man in disguise. Batman Bin Suparman. This is a REAL IC, taken by my friend. Everybody just curious why this guy's father, named him 'Batman'. There's few caption about it which my friends say out..
Duration: 3.34 am, 12/04/08
Place: Mr Teh Tarik(Coffee Shop)
No of people: 6
Guy1: Haha.. Bapak dia giler.
Guy2: Hahaha. Bapak dia Suparman(Superman) Maybe bapak dia giler Batman, musim hot Batman masa tu kot.
Guy3: Haaha.. Biar betul.. Birthday pon nak dekat. Celebrate ar..
Guy4: Tu ar, gi rembat ar. Akan dtg si batman ni, nama kan anak die spiderman atau robin,boleh jadi Batman and Robin. Haha..
Guy5: Ntah2 ko kene rembat balik, masa mak dia nak lahir kan dia, bpk dia tgh tgk citer batman agaknye.