MRT Ghost stories. From someone.Bishan Depot - Used to be a Chinese graveyard before they dug up the place to build apartment buildings and the first train depot.
The resident - The Pontianak. Maybe even two of them.
Seen by several of my uncle's colleagues countless times. She loves to scare the men there. Was once seen up close by one of the guys - he described her as ugly, wrinkly face with red eyes. A few of them took their naps at the office and were woken up by her. One of the guys felt and found long scratch marks on his back. On another occasion, one of the guys was washing his car outside the office when suddenly the doors closed on its own and the engine turned on and off. Other times, two of them were seen flying in circles above the roof of one of the buildings within the depot. Been told by a security guard across the depot that they've seen the same ghost at another building.
The pontianaks are not the only residents. Apparently, there's a shape-shifter too! It takes after the appearance of anyone who works there. Can even imitate the person's voice. This was experienced by my own cousin who was there on a short part-time job. As he was leaving at around 4am, he cycled toward the entrance of the depot. He saw one of the security guards cycling ahead of him. My cousin caught up with him, said hi, overtook the security guard and sped off. By the time my cousin got to the security post at the entrance, guess who was standing there? The SAME security guard who was cycling behind him!!! Till today, my cousin doesn't know which was human, which was the ghost... In a separate account, one of the guys was doing his work on the tracks and heard his name being called. He recognized the voice. It was one of his co-workers. So he walked toward the voice, but there was nobody there. He thought someone was playing a joke on him. Later he asked the co-worker if he called for him. The co-worker swore he wasn't even at that site!
Yishun station - There was a suicide committed just a week ago. So far, no stories yet. But...
The Resident - an apparition of a small boy, around 5-7 years of age.
Cousin was doing track maintenance after midnite with his team, then went to the ground floor to find some policemen asking if he saw a young boy wearing white garment playing on the platform. Cousin said nobody had been on the platform - everyone else were on the tracks. Policemen said, several people living in the apts around the station saw and made complaints. And that was not the first time.
Tracks between Yio Chu Kang and Khatib - the area around Lentor Ave.
The Resident - Pontianak.
Spotted sitting on the tracks while the guys were on the locomotive. Not once, but many times. Off duty, my uncle has seen her too while driving south... and so did the passengers in his car. She was standing on the road divider. Uncle said that policemen went up to the track maintenance people one nite, asking if they saw a woman crossing the road. They didn't, but they knew what it was all about. Seemed that motorcar drivers called the police to complain of a woman wearing white crossing the road, as though trying to commit suicide. The area is the same where a Mercedes car accidentally drove up onto the tracks a few years ago. A lot of people speculate that the driver possibly saw and tried to avoid her.
Tracks between Woodlands and Kranji - Known to the maintenance people as one of the places to avoid, or, quickly get the work done and get out ASAP due to supernatural beings present at that place. Possibly, the pontianak again.
Admiralty station -The Resident - Pontianak.
This happened before the station was opened and running. One of the station managers just had his dinner and threw his unfinished dinner into the large garbage container just outside the station. A few minutes later, one of the guys saw a pontianak at the container going thru the garbage. They later found out what she was after - his unfinished dinner of some bloody pork.
Tanah Merah station - Night shift station officers have complained that they have seen a huge, dark being walk up and down the escalator after midnite. There's also another being always sitting on the platform. They said it looked like an old man wearing some white garment.
Changi/Tanah Merah depot -The Resident - Toyol
Not sure what the actual name of the depot is, but, Uncle showed me a photocopied photo of little footprints on the wall. Footprints of the toyol. Apparently the toyol had stepped on some grease and then walked UP the wall!! Don't know if the workers there complained of missing money, iPods, etc.
Raffles Place station - Known only to insiders that there is an "old man" present at the ends of the platforms after midnite.
Newton station - Night shift station officer thot he saw a being with long hair at the restroom.
Novena station - Not as haunted as it was before, but they still get the chills every now and then. Back then, one of my aunt's friends took a photo while the train stopped at Novena. Guess what was behind the glass panel? A skeletal hand!!! They swore they didn't see it there and then, not till the film was developed. I got to see the photo, but didn't have a scanner back then - was soooo long ago! Yep, was authentic.
Till today, the train drivers still see supernatural beings on the tracks! Why do you think the North-East trains are automated and have no human drivers. Oh yea, I also heard that there were a few problems while building the station at Bidadari cemetery... I can't really recall, but according to my aunt's relative who was working on exhuming the remains at the cemetery, they found a couple of corpses that were still intact after hundreds of years in the ground! In this kind of weather, can't be mummified... And, several times, the crane that was to dig the soil, overturned. The crane operator fell sick after that incident.